Networking and Transfer Project WASANet
German Water Partnership e.V. (GWP) makes an important contribution to solving water management problems worldwide through international partnerships and together with its members. GWP is involved in various funded projects with precisely this aim and actively utilises one of its unique selling points – building bridges between science, industry and operators.
The “Water Security in Africa (WASA)” research programme aims to contribute to a sustainable increase in water security in Africa. This includes the improvement of water supply and wastewater disposal as well as the preservation of natural ecosystems.
As part of the WASA programme, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the WASANet transfer and network project has now been launched.
More info on the programme
WASANet Objectives
To foster exchange
WASANet is designed to develop and implement effective instruments and activities to foster exchange and identify synergies amongst the WASA projects. It also aims to support their efforts to connect with the scientific community in water, climate, and environmental research, as well as decision-makers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Germany, and beyond.
To transfer effectively
By the integration of research, and cross-cutting topics, networking, science communication, as well
as the active involvement of the public, private, and industry sectors, WASANet, together with the research projects, contributes to an effective synthesis and transfer of WASA- generated research data, methods, and results to policymakers and decision-makers in the participating countries and beyond.
To improve water security
Utilising WASANet’s multifaceted network of scientific, academic, private sector, and political actors in the water domain, the project further facilitates the science-policy dialogue and private sector engagement to support decision-makers in the uptake of innovative and up-to-date water and forecast technologies to improve water security in Sub-Saharan Africa.
WASANet Project Partners
The Research Programme Water Security in Africa – WASA
In a global comparison, sub-Saharan Africa currently has by far the lowest supply of clean and safely managed water. Innovative water technologies, adapted water infrastructures and forward-looking management concepts to improve water supply and wastewater management are urgently needed.
The WASA programme was launched as a result of the German Federal Government’s Round Table “Creating Perspectives in Africa”.
The WASA programme was developed in a joint consultation process with African and German experts from science and practice, including the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) and water ministries from Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and South Africa. On the German side, six other federal ministries and their subordinate institutions participated in the development of the program under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). WASA is part of the BMBF’s “Research for Sustainability – FONA” strategy. The BMBF provides the majority of the funding. The Water Research Commission (WRC) is contributing to the South African projects with co-funding. An international Governing Board with representatives from relevant ministries and institutions has been established to provide strategic support for the programme.
Join the network, get in touch!
Are you interested in finding out more about WASANet and actively participating in the sustainable networking of German and African stakeholders? Then please contact Marie-Louise Chagnaud.