The Regional Section establishes and maintains contacts with African institutions and companies, participates in trade fairs and organises trips and conferences to facilitate the initiation of business by German companies and institutions in the water sector in Africa.
An important pillar of the Regional Section is GAPWAS – German-African Partnership for Water and Sanitation, the Chamber and Association Partnership with the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA). The partnership project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and is currently in its third year. Within the framework of GAPWAS, our members receive numerous opportunities for networking with the most important operators in sub-Saharan Africa or offers to conduct technical training.
In addition, there is the PartnerAfrica project, under which GWP and AfWASA are establishing the African Water and Sanitation Academy (AWASA) in Kampala, Uganda.
Our latest format “Ask the Experts” promotes the German-African exchange of expertise in the water and sanitation sector and offers speakers unique access to the professional audience of the target markets.
The current focus countries of the Regional Section are: Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Uganda and South Africa. In principle, we conduct activities throughout sub-Saharan Africa and tailor our focus to the interests of the membership.