Water 4.0 focusses on digitalisation and automation as the core points of a strategy for a water management which is at the same time resource efficient, flexible and competitive. In analogy with the initiative of Industry 4.0, Water 4.0 refers to core characteristics and terms of this industrial revolution like networking of machines, processes, storage systems and materials, smart factory or the internet of things, connecting these in order to achieve systemic water management.
Putting Water 4.0 into practice, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are the drivers of the optimal networking of vitual and real water systems: planning, construction and operation are imbued by software. This entails an intelligent networking of water consumers (agriculture, industry and households) and components for a future-compliant water infrastructure with the environment and the water cycle, following a holistic approach along the value chain. Furthermore Water 4.0 provides transparency for water users covering current needs and providing opportunities for future-compliant, creative jobs in water management.
- Download Water 4.0 (English)
GWP and the “Digital Twin” Project at the TU Berlin