The 27th meeting of the Regional Section Russia marked a new beginning: For the last time, the Regional Section met under this name together with the two Regional Sections of Ukraine and Central Asia. In the future, all three sections will be combined under the new name “Regional Section EECCA”, the abbreviation for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. This was unanimously decided by the forum members in a vote and confirmed by the GWP Board.
The Caucasus region is now also represented in the new Regional Section name and thus explicitly addressed. Russia and also Ukraine will, however, continue to be in the focus of the working group’s exchange.
Interested members are cordially invited to actively participate in the work of the new EECCA regional forum and to contribute their wishes and interests. The next meeting will take place on January 26th, 10.00 – 11:30. If you have any questions, please contact Markus Winter at the GWP office.
We look forward to the cooperation and many exciting projects in the target countries!
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