Vision Green Solutions GmbH


Vision Green Solutions GmbH
Dr. Matthias Albert
Am Mittleren Moos 48
86167 Augsburg


+49 (0) 821 498034 - 90

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Vision Green Solutions offers HYGIENE 4.0: holistic and sustainable hygiene concepts and solutions for a wide range of applications in the drinking and process water sector as well as for the disinfection of hygienically relevant surfaces and rooms.

Our aim is to include all process and production stages at our customers’ premises: from water hygiene in modern circulatory systems to further production stages and the associated logistics. Our solution portfolio is based on our antimicrobial, alcohol-free and highly efficient disinfectant proton-IQ®.

proton-IQ® DesinfektionsmittelDisinfectant proton-IQ® proton-IQ® SECURO Diaphragma-Elektrolysesystemeproton-IQ® SECURO Diaphragma-Electrolysis Systems Containerized Water Treatment Solutions: modular aufgebaute, autarke Eigenwasserversorgung zur Bereitstellung von hygienisch einwandfreiem Trink- oder Brauchwasser - Komplett ausgerüstet, angefangen bei der Brunnentechnik, über eine geeignete Wasseraufbereitung, moderner und maßgeschneiderter proton-IQ® SECURO-Desinfektion, bis zur autarken Stromversorgung durch Photovoltaik oder Windkraft.Containerized Water Treatment Solutions

This is produced directly on site at the customer’s, integrated into their systems, with our innovative proton-IQ® SECURO Diaphragma- Electrolysis Systems.

We also offer Containerized Water Treatment Solutions: modular, self-sufficient water supply for the provision of hygienically perfect drinking or service water – in 10, 20 or 40 foot containers, fully equipped, starting with the well technology, through a tailor-made and suitable water treatment, modern proton IQ® SECURO disinfection, up to the self-sufficient power supply through photovoltaics or wind power.

By combining competence in plant construction and technological innovation, we are constantly developing our solutions. For example, all of our systems can be equipped with a measurement and analysis system that enables comprehensive real-time monitoring of all relevant quality and performance parameters during system operation. This results in a continuous observation of the hygiene stability in the water cycle as well as the analysis of the recorded data to optimize maintenance effort, energy consumption and other customer-specific success parameters.

Application Areas:

  • Aquaculture, animal husbandry: reduced use of medication and decrease in hygiene-related mortality; natural solution to increase animal welfare and breeding yield.
  • Cooling water, legionella prophylaxis and algae removal: complete breakdown of biofilms with significantly reduced formation of AOX compared to classic methods.
  • Wastewater disinfection, mussel and helminth removal: for small and very large volume flows
  • Drinking water treatment: highly efficient and gentle disinfection and renovation of drinking water systems, active ingredient approved for use in drinking water (Section 11 list of the Federal Environment Agency of Germany).

As a holistic solution provider, our services include the technical planning of your individual hygiene concept, the manufacture and delivery of individual system solutions for self-supply for disinfection and cleaning, assembly and commissioning as well as monitoring and analysis during operation.

Your Contact Persons:

Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Albert Sebastian Wurtz
CEO (Vision Green Solutions GmbH, Germany) CEO Vision Green Solutions South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Tel: +49 (0) 821 498034 – 90 Tel: +49 (0) 821 498034 – 91


Umzug der GWP Geschäftsstelle

Bitte beachten Sie unsere neue Anschrift ab 01. Juli 2023:

German Water Partnership e.V.

Invalidenstr. 91

10115 Berlin

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