Berliner Wasserbetriebe


Berliner Wasserbetriebe
Ms Eva Exner
Head of Strategy and Corporate Development
Neue Jüdenstraße 1
10179 Berlin


+49 30 8644 16100

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Water is our element. We extract groundwater from the soil, which is then aerated and filtered in the waterworks. The Berlin drinking water is ready. Without any added chemicals. Berlin’s drinking water is an all natural product. That is also why it is so hard and rich in minerals, just as nature would have it.

Used water is wastewater. We look after that too. It is collected in the sewers and pumped to the sewage treatment plants, where it is purified according to the latest standards.

Berliner Wasserbetriebe is the largest water supply and wastewater disposal company in Germany. We supply drinking water to 3.5 million Berlin citizens and nearly 100,000 inhabitants in the surrounding region. In addition to this, we take care of the environmentally sound disposal and treatment of wastewater in Berlin and for 500,000 people in the surrounding region. Our modern facilities ensure an ample supply of high-quality water that fulfils and remains well within the standards of the German Drinking Water Ordinance.

On a daily basis, our waterworks supply around 600,000 cubic metres (m3) of drinking water to the population, industry and trade. A peak output of more than 1 million m3 is possible. Our sewage treatment plants process approximately 624,000 m3 of wastewater each day. The plants are equipped with the latest process technology for biological nutrient removal.

And we are also a service provider for Berlin in other areas. With our waterworks we treat and regulate groundwater on behalf of the State of Berlin wherever this is possible. We provide treatment services for the Tegeler Lake and refill the Grunewald lakes. We conduct research on new technologies, are an important employer, vocational trainer and investor in Berlin.

Umzug der GWP Geschäftsstelle

Bitte beachten Sie unsere neue Anschrift ab 01. Juli 2023:

German Water Partnership e.V.

Invalidenstr. 91

10115 Berlin

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